Egypt CSR Forum

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>Dr. Ahmed Wafiq

About The Speaker

Dr. Ahmed Wafiq

Dr. Wafiq has around 15 years of consulting experience in environment and energy sectors. Dr. Wafiq is a member of the UNFCCC national roster of experts and he is a lead reviewer for the UNFCCC biennial update report (BUR) technical analysis process. Dr. Wafiq has wide experience in the climate change field including but not limited to developing climate change strategies, carbon markets, GHG inventories, carbon footprints, mitigation action reporting and MRV systems. He is the CEO of Integral Consult company, which is a leading environmental and sustainability consulting firm in the market since 2004. Dr. Wafiq has worked as key expert in international projects including projects in Ethiopia, Viet Nam, UAE, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda and Ghana. Dr. Wafiq has recently finished working to support UAE and Abu Dhabi in assessing the legal MRV system to identify the gaps compared to the Paris Agreement Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) reporting requirements. He has recently worked as an international expert in a project to support Viet Nam in updating its National Climate Change Strategy to be carbon neutral by 2050. He has also worked in another project in Viet Nam to enhance the MRV system of the waste sector. Dr. Wafiq’s international experience include developing GHG projections for Palestine’s first BUR, and Nigeria’s NAMA Market Readiness Study, where various mitigation actions in all sectors have been modeled in each. Dr. Wafiq also has experience working in Arab-related projects including a UN ESCWA project for mainstreaming Climate Action into National Development Plans in the Arab Region. He also participated in developing Climate Policy and Advisory Notes in MENA Region (Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Djibouti), World Bank Project. On the national level, Dr. Wafiq was heavily involved in many strategic climate change projects. He was recently the team leader of a GIZ project supporting the ministry of environment on developing the new scheme for managing the carbon markets (putting both the national commitments and the private sector benefits into consideration). Dr. Wafiq has been heavily involved in developing Egypt’s updated NDC where he was responsible for developing the GHG emissions projections using LEAP software. Dr. Wafiq has experience managing big country-level projects including the National climate change strategy (NCCS), and national low-emission development strategy (LEDS). In the carbon markets field, Dr. Wafiq has considerable experience as he has participated in developing the project documents of some of the successfully registered CDM projects in Egypt. Dr. Wafiq has considerable experience in the field of GHG accounting and carbon footprinting, He has worked on developing carbon footprinting for both products and entities using ISO 14067 and ISO 14064 respectively. His relevant experience in carbon footprinting includes commercial buildings, agro-industrial products, construction materials, petroleum and petrochemical products. He has also recently delivered a capacity building workshop to the Ministry of Environment on developing carbon footprint calculations and its strategic relationship to the CBAM requirements. On the national level, he was the national expert who developed the latest industrial sector GHG inventory for Egypt as part of the fourth national communications that is to be submitted to UNFCCC. In Ethiopia, Dr. Wafiq instructed a capacity building workshop for developing GHG inventories with focus on industry and waste sectors. In Egypt, Dr. Wafiq participated in similar workshops in addition to the development of the national MRV system and a MRV system for the waste sector. Dr. Wafiq also has considerable experience in the energy sector. He was the team leader conducting more than 60 energy efficiency audits. His experience includes working on solar PV projects, solar heating projects, feasibility studies for resource efficiency projects, bioenergy, and supporting industrial plants develop energy management systems according to ISO 50001. He is currently the project manager of a GIZ/EU project in the field of Green Hydrogen in Egypt.