Our Honorable Speakers

Mr. George Riddell,
Trade Policy and CBAM Consultant.
Mr. Paolo Casamassima ,
CEO at MEIRA (Middle East Investor Relations Association)
Ms. IsabelleParasram OBE,
Chief Executive Officer of The Institute for Social Value - Social Value UK.
Ms. EleniPolychroniadou,
CEO and co-founder of Sintali
Mr. Haytham Torkey,
CEO and Managing Partner at United Accountants Member of Nexia Internationa
Dr. Ehab Shalaby
CEO Dcarbon
Dr. Nasser Ayoub
Managing Director of EPD MENA and CEO of EPD Egypt.
Dr. Maali Khader,
Founder & CEO of Schema
Mr. David Brownlee
CEO of The Brownlee Group LLC
Dr. Mohammed Al Surf
Co-Founder & Managing Director at Tilad Sustainability Co. and Founder & . President of the Sustainability Professional of Saudi Arabia Association (SPSA
Eng. Amr Nader,
, CEO of A³&Co.
Khaled Abu Al-Makarem,
Chairman of the Export Council for Chemical and Fertilizer Industries.
Nadim Elias,
Chairman of The Export Council for Printing, Packaging and Paper and the president of the Chamber of Printing and Packaging.
Sherif El Sayad,
Chairman of Tredco for Engineering Industries & the president of the Engineering Export Council.
Dr. Ahmed Kamal,
Executive Director of the Environmental Compliance Office and Sustainable Development – Federation of Egyptian Industries.
Hisham El-Gammal,
CEO OF Infinity Capital & Chairman of the Benban Solar Developers Association- BSDA.
Amany Arafa,
Executive Chairwoman of Delta Building Systems and CEO of RMG Egypt for Energy Projects.
Dr. Kamel Abdallah,
Managing Director & CEO of . Canal Sugar.